
Dune with no dialog via Boing Boing

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- преку Блогспот: Дина без дијалог на Боинг Боинг
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Boing Boing's Rob Beschizza wonders whether if you remove all the scenes with dialog, one can get a better version of the film Dune by David Lynch than the producers' cut. As an experiment, he used this notion to assemble a short clip of the intro scenes, available on YouTube and Vimeo.

Дина без дијалог
Dune with no dialog

According to Beschizza, the complicated dialogs confuse the public which mainly consists of people who haven't read the original book and do not necessarily remember all the relations from it well enough to make out what's going on at a certain moment. In addition, the director's cut versions usually turn out much longer, which additionally exasperates the audience.

Can this approach be taken as an instance of the recommendation from another book about human relations, The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, who says: "Always say less than necessary."